As kids we were taught that what we learn from home we carry outside the world. As we grow, our time spent at home decreases as our work loud increases. With your mind too focused on work and having a clean work environment to encourage productivity, how are you doing with your house?NSF International conducted a study that visited 22 homes, swabbed 30 different surfaces that resulted to a total of 660 tests to discover the dirtiest surfaces in the in the house. They determined the possible existence of yeast, molds, coliform bacteria, and staph germs in every household items, and the following are the results.Cutting boards Coliform Bacteria: 18% (of the same tested material)Molds and yeast: 14%The cutting board is used to almost different foods that is cooked in the house, and bits and odors can remain. The trick to maintain a clean cutting board is to always wash it with hot water soap after use.Stove knobs Coliform Bacteria: 14%Molds and yeast: 27%As often neglected, stove knobs also have the power to harbour bacteria and yeast. You best remove the knob from the stove, and wash it with soap and hot water.Kitchen counters Coliform Bacteria: 32%Molds: 18%Everything that is edible is prepared in the kitchen counter. Clean as the kitchen counter as often as you use it. Rinse the top with a mixture of bleach and water to keep bacteria from growing in the surface.Toys of pet Coliform Bacteria: 14%Molds and yeast: 55%Staph: 23Recycling that toy forever without cleaning it does not only put your pet at risk but also yourself. Use a scrub and bleach for hard toys. Throw in the stuffed ones in the laundry.Faucets Coliform Bacteria: 27%Staph: 5%If you think public faucets are the only ones dirty, think again. Use a disinfectant spray or wipes everyday to keep the bacteria from spreading.Coffee makers Coliform Bacteria: 50%Molds and yeast: 9%Microorganism thrive in dark and damp reservoirs of the coffee maker. Aside from the manual, pouring for cups of vinegar and letting it sit for 30 mins is a good technique to sanitise the reservoir. Rinse it until the smell is gone.Pet food trays Coliform bacteria: 18%Mold and yeast: 45%To prevent molds and yeast from growing in your pet’s bowl, wash it daily. Apply a diluted bleach solution if you’re not using the dishwasher.Kitchen sink Coliform bacteria: 45%Molds: 27%You get the picture that almost every utensil just piles up there. Clean it twice a week with a strong bleach solution. Don’t forget to rinse afterwards.Toothbrush holders Coliform bacteria: 27%Molds and yeast: 64%Staph: 14%Notice the high level of molds and yeast? It’s likely because holder located near the toilet are easily exposed to fecal-containing aerosols that occur when flushing. Clean it twice a month with hot water and soap.Dish sponges and rags Coliform bacteria: 77%Molds and yeast: 86%Staph bacteria: 18%Winning “the dirtiest of all” is the sponge. Because of it’s title, scientists advice to microwave it for 2 minutes per day, and to be replaced in every 2 weeks. Rags must be washed every other day with a hot washing cycle.